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Kiwi Shires are the Southern Most Shire Horse Breeders in the world.

We are nestled just 7km from the thriving Invercargill city center at West Plains. 

Along with our Shire Horse breeding program we are now offering Horsemanship Clinics,

One on One lessons and a selection of hand made horse handling equipment, made right here at Kiwi Shires.

We have a number of Shires and we welcome visitors, 

it is essential however that you make an appointment before you arrive.


We aim to breed Shires that are true to the breed standard. Conformation, Temperatment,

Strength and Quality are the items top of our list when breeding and selecting our shires.


We pride ourselves on actively seeking out new bloodlines to ensure we are

breeding the best quality animal we possibly can.

If you are interested in either pedigree Shire Horses or Shire Sport Horses then please

do get in touch as we will more than likely be able find you what you are after.

We welcome all visitors, even if you just want to come and meet our

wonderful horses and get up close and personal with them.

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